Dr. Robert Ackell - Superintendent, North Schuykill School District

"While our district was exploring the options for Keystone preparation and remediation,  Keys Test Prep helped us focus on what was needed to be successful.  After reviewing their material, we were confident making an informed decision about the best programming for our district.  It is very reassuring to know that they have a team of educational experts (teachers) on hand to answer our queries whenever and whatever may arise. We look forward to our continued partnership with Keys Test Prep, as we are looking to continue to improve our test scores. 

We had no idea how much growth we would see in one year."

-Dr. Robert Ackell


Mr. Scott Slayton - English Teacher, West Shore School District

"I was skeptical. As I met with my colleagues to strategize the best ways to implement the UNLOCKING the Keystone manual, I wondered if my students would ever really engage in these concepts. My doubts were laid to rest after the very first day as the kids seemed to clearly see the value in what this book provides.
What sets this book apart is it is not just "practice testing", it is practicing how to test. It allows the student to feel in control of the testing environment, and that gives them a tremendous amount of confidence. When students can see how the test makers not only come up with the questions, but how they come up with the choices they provide the students, it gives them a tremendous sense of power. By knowing how test makers might try to “tempt” them into the wrong answer, my students (an overwhelming majority of them who have not been successful test takers throughout their academic career) excelled in a way they have rarely experienced. Each time the were able to identify wrong answers which led them to the right ones, they felt as if they were taking the test running downhill as opposed to the uphill battle that always greeted them with each standardized test.

The book is an easy to follow manual that I believe served as an invaluable asset to our school’s success this past year on the Keystone Exams. After using it for the first time, I must admit that I have feelings of inadequacy for how I prepared my classes in previous years. Knowing that I will have access to the UNLOCKING the Keystone Exam workbook for future classes, that will not be an issue again."

-Mr. Scott Slayton